Stock My Pond in Louisiana

2018 Recap

Last year (2018) we traveled to stock ponds in Louisiana fifteen times. We covered every part of the state from Shreveport to Hammond, from Lake Charles to Monroe, and everywhere in between. We look forward to bring truck loads of fish to Louisiana again in 2019.

We delivered over 200,000 Coppernose bluegill into Louisiana in 2018.  We also made a couple runs for F1 Largemouth Bass (stocking 2" fingerlings) and Threadfin Shad.

If you are patient, we can handle small orders in Louisiana, we simply accumulate orders until we have enough to justify a run.  Typically, we'll receive a large order and handle the smaller orders on that run.  

Please call us for an estimate. We'll come your way before you know it.

700 Meriwether Road - Montgomery, AL - 334-799-8861

No Public Fishing on the Property


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